They are at once a mobile fire point, an assault transport and a stealth insertion craft. Often ranging ahead of the main Space Marine force, Land Speeder Storms can move into enemy territory unseen, making them ideal for launching surprise attacks. The Land Speeder Storm is most commonly used as a stealth insertion craft, deploying the Scouts deep behind enemy lines where they can harass supply lines and destroy important targets. When the vehicle's cargo of Scout Marines are in the field, the vehicle can act as a mobile firebase to provide support, or the vehicle can act as an Assault Craft and drop the Scouts into hotly contested areas. The Land Speeder Storm is also equipped with baffled engines, which severely reduces their noise output, and a sophisticated spy array that helps gives the speeder an advantage during hit-and-run attacks. The Land Speeder Storm is mainly used as a fast reconnaissance vehicle, and is capable of deploying Scout Marines deep into enemy territory without being noticed. The Land Speeder Storm is capable of carrying a small squad of Scout Marines into battle without any loss of performance. The Land Speeder Storm sacrifices the heavier weaponry of the more common Land Speeder variants, such as the Land Speeder Tornado and Land Speeder Typhoon, in exchange for a modest transport capacity. The Land Speeder Storm is an uncommon variant of the standard Land Speeder used by the Adeptus Astartes. The Dawn of War Player's Guide The Dawn of War Player's Guide - Thought of the day: Knowledge is power, guard it well.A Land Speeder Storm of the Ultramarines Chapter carrying Scout Marines. When the Land Speeder is destroyed, there is a 25% chance that any units within the area of effect will be sent flying (30-40 force) and take 5 morale damage. At full charge the Landspeeder will have two jumps available, requiring 90 s to recharge from empty.

The Land Speeder jumps over any obstacles and flies directly to the targeted terrain. They can also be used to fill the remaining cap left over by more powerful vehicles. Against melee troops constantly back away from them and resume firing. The best way to use Land Speeders is to rapidly advance to Tier 2 and attack your enemy with masses of them before they have any counter. With their vehicle low armor, they will die very quickly once your opponent gets significant anti-vehicular forces on the field (or even just very heavy anti-infantry). But why would you build lots of them? The major drawback of Land Speeders is the short time in which they are useful. In large numbers, they can shred up infantry like nobody's business. Land Speeders serve one purpose: fast, mobile, and cheap anti-infantry fire. Fast and with jump capability to negotiate impassable terrain, the Land Speeder can provide anti-personnel firepower anywhere on the battlefield at a moment's notice. The Space Marine Chapter's main reconnaissance and rapid response vehicle.